
My name is Storm Montunnas and taking History 390 this semester too cover two of my needed classes, but I have taken away a lot of knowledge such as text mining, and how to really use Wikipedia.  We were tasked with creating a historical question in the beginning of the semester, and usually I would have chosen something to do with Black History or Women’s rights because those are both topics that I would generally focus on due to my background as a woman and being half black. I decided to challenge myself and take on a more intense topic. I chose to blame the spike of alcohol that occurred in the 70’s on the Free Love Movement that was happening around the same time. The Free Love Movement not only included free love and drugs, but also other substance abuse which I believe was alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most abused substances to note today besides marijuana and cocaine. Alcohol is so widely abused that there is an alcohol anonymous group to go to for people to get help. My belief that the movement spiked the alcohol usage during that time comes from knowing that it is human nature to abuse substances whether it is coffee or alcohol, humans will find a way to be addicted.